Shane Baker's photography

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Our digital cameras are awfully good

For the first time in about a year, I've been able to print one of my images on my Epson P800.

For those interested, the reason for the printing hiatus is that about a year ago, my iMac suddenly refused to allow the Epson drivers to install. (Of course Apple blamed Epson and Epson blamed Apple.) In the end, I took my metaphorical life in my hands, re-formatted my hard drive, re-installed MacOS, recovered my documents from Apple's Time Machine and then downloaded and installed my apps. I could then install the Epson driver and print an image my wife wanted framed.

And no, I have no idea what the problem was.

The image in question was made in our yard and it's of a Brown Honeyeater sitting in a hakea shrub.

The print is close to A2 size. It was only as I put it in the photo frame that I realised that the bird is larger than life size.

To illustrate, I clipped a leaf from the hakea and lay it on the print. Then I photographed it (very badly) and circled the actual leaf in red:

Amazing technology, we have these days.

For those interested, the image was made with a Nikon D850 with the Nikon 200 - 500 at 500mm, f/8 at 1/500 sec and ISO 1100. Processing was done in Capture One Pro.

Good shooting - and stay safe.

Shane Baker