A better tripod mount ring for my 200 - 500
Last year, I wrote about my purchase of my first really big lens: a Nikkor 200-500mm f/5.6E ED VR lens I called The Beast. While it has its weaknesses, it's a very good lens and extremely good value. (While not being exactly cheap, it's much less expensive than you would expect.) And it gives me the results I've hoped for:
The Arca-Swiss plate could clearly take a second mounting screw, but the foot would need a hole drilled and tapped - and I don't have the necessary tools. So, I started looking around - and came across a replacement foot with a built-in Arca-Swiss "dovetail": the Haoge LMR-N25 Tripod Mount Ring. No mounting plate required!
Haoge makes other mounts for other lenses, so if you're experiencing similar problems, use Google. I'd like to include a link, but if Haoge has a web site, I can't find it. You can however find their extensive range of photographic accessories on Amazon and eBay.
Good shooting
Shane Baker